Data Products
There are four high-level tiers of data products within JSP.
Tier 0 consists of the calibrated, flat-fielded single-epoch and coadded survey data as the best current effort from the individual projects. It will consist of the science plane, the noise plane, the flag plane and the weight plane with number of exposures.
Tier 1 is the astrometric and photometric concordance of Tier 0 data, accounting for stellar motions and differences in epochs, unit standardization, uniform color convention, orientation and pixel scales. It also provides the option of having multi-plane image cutouts of sources of interest with PSFs from Tier 2 for each plane. Software to generate cross-band kernels from this information will be included.
Tier 2 consists of star-galaxy classification, generation of PSFs as a function of different variables (brightness, location, time), cross-project photometric catalogs with matched isophotes, photometric limits and variability flags. Morphological catalogs (i.e. bulge/disk parameters, ellipticity, shear etc), source segmentation maps, scene-modeled maps, and residual maps from source fitting and subtraction are also included. Photometric covariance information which reveals the dependence of source photometry on the deblending from its neighbors is also generated. Results from fake-source simulations as well as software for the user to run such custom simulations to assess biases would be part of the catalog products.
Tier 3 is the user interface to the catalogs, and imaging products, and convenient scalable interfaces to the software, enabling a user to run code interactively on their local cluster or the cloud or at a supercomputing center.