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5σ Point Source Sensitivities

Chart • October 22nd, 2021

5σ sensitivities expected for the Euclid deep field observations (red) in the Euclid VIS, Y, J and H bands compared to the Rubin/LSST 5-year depths (blue). The Subaru/HSC observations of EDF-N and EDF-F will be a magnitude deeper in griz through the H2O survey while the Rubin/DDF in EDF-F will be even deeper than that. Also shown is the proposed Roman survey KRONOS-E in the Kp band (green, 5σ = 26.8 AB mag).

Not shown is the Euclid blue and red grism spectroscopy which will achieve continuum sensitivity of ~20.5 AB mag, or the Spitzer 3.6 and 4.5 micron data (5σ of 24 AB mag). KRONOS-E leverages a unique bandpass on Roman to extend the wavelength coverage and improve the spatial sampling for a better handle on systematics, in preparation for the HLS.